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  Agenda Item   21.    
City Council Meeting
Meeting Date: 12/04/2018  
FROM: Bill Gallardo

Consideration and Adoption of Resolutions Authorizing Application for Funds from the Bicycle Corridor Improvement Program for Western Extension to The Tracks at Brea Trail (7946)
Adopt Resolutions
The Orange County Transportation Authority has announced a competitive grant called the Bicycle Corridor Improvement Program (BCIP), which makes funding available to local Orange County agencies for bicycle and pedestrian projects that reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality.  The BCIP has a total of $25 million available for Orange County agencies.  Each grant application has a maximum request amount of $4 million.  Staff recommends applying for BCIP funds for the Western Extension of the Tracks at Brea (Western Extension).

The Western Extension is the final portion of The Tracks at Brea.  This final segment would connect to our existing trail near Brea Creek Channel and run along the existing Union Pacific right-of-way and connect to La Habra's trail near Palm Street.  The scope of the project is to construct a dual tread trail consisting of a ten (10) foot asphalt bike path and a five (5) foot decomposed granite walking/jogging surface.  In order to construct these improvements, a fifteen (15) foot wide easement from Union Pacific would be needed.  Constructing these improvements not only completes the final connection to the Tracks at Brea, but will also fill the gap in the countywide 66-mile OC Loop bicycle trail.
Staff has submitted the following two BCIP applications: 1) Funding for Right-of-Way Acquisition and preparation of Plans, Specification, and Estimate (PS&E), and 2) Funding for Construction.  If received, the first grant would provide $2,586,025 of funding toward the right-of-way acquisition from Union Pacific Railroad as well as the preparation of final design, also known as the PS&E.  The second grant would provide $3,916,703 for the trail construction.
It should be noted that the City recently applied for an Active Transportation Program (ATP) grant to cover the same costs that are covered in the two BCIP grants.  Grant awards for ATP will be announced in January 2019 and if the funds requested in the ATP grant are awarded, then City staff will notify the BCIP grant administration and withdraw these two BCIP applications.
This grant opportunity requires a minimum of 12% match.  The points received for local match range from 0 points for 12% and 15 points for a local match of 27% or above.  Given our first priority to acquire the easement and prepare the final design, staff recommends matching with 27% or $956,475 for maximum points (15 out of 15) for the first application.  To relieve stress on our local funds and allow staff to apply for other grant opportunities as they come up, staff has requested for these grant funds in FY23-24.  However, if the project is ready to move forward sooner, the funding could be advanced.  For the second grant application, a 17% match or $802,216 is recommended for 5 points out of 15 since the requested funding amount and resulting local match is higher.  If awarded, the plan is to request for these funds in FY24-25.
The source of local matching funds would come from other non-federal grant funds and/or from local sources such as Park Development Fund.  Staff fully intends to utilize other grants as a local match before recommending use of local funds.
William Gallardo, City Manager
Prepared by:  Roslyn Lau, Management Analyst II
Concurrence:  Tony Olmos, P.E., Public Works Director
Resolution - ROW
Resolution - CON

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